Serene Gatherings Wellness Massage
Massage, Detox, Healing Oils


Welcome to Serene Gatherings Wellness Massage!

We introduce a safe place where the Mind, Body, and Spirit come together as one.  We teach how to relax the Mind, understand the Body, and fully unite ourselves in Spirit. 

To do this, we need to come to an understanding of how it all works  together,  Throughout our site, you will be introduced to alteranative healing techniques, beginning with many different massage modalities, healing oils, aromatherapy, healing through prayer, and nourishment.  We also encapsulate fuctional exercise and the importance of detoxification. 

To help you get started on your journey, we offer a variety of packages and wellness techniques.  We look forward to helping you reach your optimal health goals and will be with you every step of the way!

Stay Blessed

The Serene Gatherings Massage Team